JJ Abrams has created some great mysterious TV shows and movies such as Lost and Cloverfield and in this talk/presentation he made at TED a couple of years ago he explains the importance of mystery and the fact it can be found in things without being that overly obvious (eg. Star Wars).
I think this talk says a lot about him as a person and the importance to create mystery in life and the fact that sometimes it is more important to maintain that mystery rather than have a little bit of knowledge which you’d ultimately be the poorer for.
Take a look at this video of his talk and perhaps re-discover the importance of mystery in your life?
JJ Abrams has now recently just finished guest-editing the Wired magazine for one issue and it would seem that the Mystery-theme is being maintained in the work he did for that too – now where can I pick up a copy of that, I’m sure it’ll be worth several reads!
In the meantime, take a look at his article over at Wired in which JJ Abrams goes into more detail about mystery, why hearing the ending of Lost now would make no sense as it’d be out of context (like hearing a punchline when you’re only halfway through the joke) and how knowing spoilers ahead of time will always just ruin the experience for you – I learnt this one a long time ago about midway through The X-Files series – the episodes were so much better when you hadn’t read ahead in a magazine what the outline of the episode was going to be.
Sometimes it’s better just to keep ‘The Mystery Box’ closed because the mystery is better than the short moment of enlightenment you get from using the technology at our fingertips in the age of immediacy that we live!

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[…] of his work you’d be interested in this special “mystery issue” – you can read more about JJ Abrams and his Mystery Box on SimonBarker.com. Anyway, so I did the usual thing of searching Google for “where to buy us […]
[…] loveable romantic gifts from Firebox.com and is the perfect surprise. Firstly, it’s not like JJ Abrams mystery box which can never be opened and secondly, it comes in two editions, ‘for him’ and […]
[…] can shape the world instead of countries directly. Also another TED video you really should watch JJ Abrams’ Mystery Box TED Talk, completely different but also […]
[…] interest in it themselves. It makes for a pretty shoddy production after the fact to be honest. JJ Abrams likes mystery boxes, but what we have here is almost nothing but mystery boxes and when you open one, you just a bunch […]